Leaving alioth
The MediaWiki packaging team for Debian (just me really) is now fully off of the deprecated alioth.debian.org! https://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-mediawiki-devel/2018-January/003271.html
The MediaWiki packaging team for Debian (just me really) is now fully off of the deprecated alioth.debian.org! https://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-mediawiki-devel/2018-January/003271.html
Whoops. Turns out the civil liberties class I signed up for is intended to weed out students who think they eventually want to go to law school. I do not want to go law school.
Biggest argument on why proofreading and copyediting is important in today's age according to my journalism professor: "If you don't, you'll become a meme. You don't want to become a meme."
New PHP tool to diff between clover.xml coverage reports: https://gitlab.com/legoktm/clover-diffI'm hoping to release a much cooler tool that builds on top of this soon :)
I'm @legoktm@mastodon.technology now. All my toots will automatically be tweeted too, so you can follow me on either platform!
Thank you 2017 #MediaWiki code reviewers! https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikitech-l/2018-January/089381.html