Very Meta, writing about this blog on this blogatom feed

Archiving my microblogging

I started posting on Twitter in the early 2010s; it was primarily very useless things. I unofficially left in 2018 when I joined (I had a cross-poster going for a while, but mostly stopped checking Twitter). And when that shut down in late 2022, I co-created Wikis World and…

Updates to my blog

It's been nearly 10 years since I created this blog and for that entire time it's been using the Pelican static site generator. It's been pretty good, but lately I've wanted to improve and change some things, so I've taken the opportunity to rewrite it from mostly scratch. b2 is…

Pelican theming

Pelican theming isn't actually that difficult. It's based on jinja2 templates, and there were enough themes already out there to pick one and just start forking it. I'm not too happy that they want themes installed into your system python path (or a virtualenv in my case), but since you…


Hello, this is my first blog post. Yippe!