Posts tagged: mediawiki

gerrit-grr 5.0

I recently released 5.0.0 of my grr tool that makes working with Gerrit easier. It is an alternative to git-review; I personally think grr is more straightforward to use, but I also haven't used git-review since 2014 when I first got frustrated enough to create grr. I had let it…

Building a less terrible URL shortener

The demise of is a good opportunity to write about how we built a less terrible URL shortener for Wikimedia projects: (I actually started writing this blog post in 2016 and never got back to it, oops.) URL shorteners are generally a bad idea for a few main…

Upload support in mwbot-rs and the future of mwapi_errors

I landed file upload support in the mwapi (docs) and mwbot (docs) crates yesterday. Uploading files in MediaWiki is kind of complicated, there are multiple state machines to implement and there are multiple ways to upload files and different options that come with that. The mwapi crate contains most of…

A short Scribunto sprint

I recently did a short sprint on Scribunto, the MediaWiki extension that powers templates written in Lua. It's a very stable extension that doesn't see very many changes but given how useful it is to making most wikis work, I thought it could use some love. Patches written: Simplify creating…