Posts about MediaWiki, Wikipedia, and everything else wiki relatedatom feed

My 2024 Wikipedia editing

I racked up 526 edits and created 8 new articles on the English Wikipedia over the past year. 2024 was a relatively quiet year for my editing (in 2023 I had 1,137 edits). I really tried to take the Marie Kondo aproach to it: I only edited if it sparked…

gerrit-grr 5.0

I recently released 5.0.0 of my grr tool that makes working with Gerrit easier. It is an alternative to git-review; I personally think grr is more straightforward to use, but I also haven't used git-review since 2014 when I first got frustrated enough to create grr. I had let it…

Building a less terrible URL shortener

The demise of is a good opportunity to write about how we built a less terrible URL shortener for Wikimedia projects: (I actually started writing this blog post in 2016 and never got back to it, oops.) URL shorteners are generally a bad idea for a few main…

Making it easier for Toolforge tools to surface replag

A number of tools hosted on Toolforge rely on the replicated MediaWiki databases, dubbed "Wiki Replicas". Every so often these servers have replication lag, which affects the data returned as well as the performance of the queries. And when this happens, users get confused and start reporting bugs that aren't…

#wikimedia-rust Matrix to IRC bridge is back

tl;dr: You can now chat in and reach folks on IRC Nearly a year ago, the official Libera.Chat <-> Matrix bridge was shut down. There's a lot that went wrong in the technical and social operation of the bridge that the Libera.Chat staff have helpfully documented, but from a…

"Skip Mobile Wikipedia" add-on available on Android (again)

In 2018 I announced the creation of my "Skip Mobile Wikipedia" Firefox add-on, which automatically redirects you to the desktop version of the site. At the time it worked on both standard desktop Firefox and in Firefox for Android, life was great. Unfortunately at some point, Firefox stopped allowing arbitrary…