Posts categorized under: Life

Wiki burnout

Yeah, I burned out from wiki things. I flew too close to the sun, tried to take on too many projects and cool ideas and then crashed and let people down. I'm sorry. I participate in wiki communities because, aside from believing in free knowledge, etc., it's really fun. And…

Support my work, please

I am privileged to work for a non-profit organization, the Freedom of the Press Foundation, which allows me to work full-time on free and open-source software, namely SecureDrop. It also pays the bills and lets me spend me free time doing other stuff that's good for humanity, like contributing to…

Tracking my book reading online

I tend to spend a lot of time reading. When I was a kid it was as many books I could carry home from the library; later it would become newspapers, blogs and online things. I never bothered to track what I was reading, because there was so much of…

One year in New York City

The first time I heard the song Welcome to New York, my reaction was something along the lines of "Eh, decent song, except she's wrong. West Coast Best Coast." I would like to formally apologize to Taylor Swift for doubting her and state for the record that she was absolutely…

2022 goals, revisited

I set some goals for myself at the beginning of the year. Here's how it went: Move out of my parents' house.✔️ I live in New York City now. This was definitely my biggest goal and accomplishment of the year. Contribute something meaningful to SecureDrop.✔️ I think so. I need…

2022 goals

New year, new job, new goals. In no specific order: Move out of my parents' house. Contribute something meaningful to SecureDrop. Contribute something meaningful to MediaWiki. Not get COVID. Continue contributing to Mailman. Continue working on mwbot-rs, while having fun and learning more Rust. Get more stickers (lack of in-person…