Musings about Technology, free software and computersatom feed

A website for Boba Quest 2025

tl;dr: I've set up a new website for Boba Quest 2025 🧋: Now that I have two months of reviews under my belt, I wanted to create a proper website to make it easy to discover them. Taking inspiration from Everything is Everything, I wanted a similar layout with…

Simplifying PDF imports on reMarkable

I've been using my reMarkable 2 a lot more recently, and have gotten started with actually hacking on it. It's a bit overdue, since the main reason I purchased it in the first place was that it is built on top of Linux and doesn't require any special jailbreaking/rooting. I…

Claude to Markdown browser extension

tl;dr: A new browser extension allows you to automatically export Claude transcripts to Markdown. You can install it for Firefox. Claude is the primary LLM I use these days, but they don't have a builtin way to share your sessions, which I find pretty useful to learn from. Simon Willison…

How many Rs are in the word strawberry?

There's a viral Mastodon post that demonstrates a supposed deficiency in large language models (LLMs), specifically ChatGPT, because it apparently can't count the number of letters in the English word "strawberry". > How many R's are in the word strawberry ChatGPT: There are two "R's" in the word "strawberry." >…

Side quest: creating a "main" tool

I like Simon Willison's framing of using large language models (aka LLMs, aka "AI") to enable side quests of things you wouldn't normally do. Could I have done this without LLM assistance? Yes, but not nearly as quickly. And this was not a task on my critical path for the…

Running the ArchiveTeam Warrior under Podman

I'm finally back on an unlimited internet connection, so I've started running the ArchiveTeam Warrior once again. The Warrior is a software application for archiving websites in a crowdsourced manner, especially when there's a time crunch when a website announces that it's closing or planning to delete things. Currently the…

Basic anti-abuse monitoring for Mastodon

Back in February, Mastodon and the connected Fediverse faced a spam attack caused by unattended instances with an open signup policy. Bots quickly registered accounts and then sent spammy messages that were relayed through the Fediverse. It was annoying and the normal moderation tool of limiting or blocking entire instances…

Implementing search for my blog in WebAssembly

If you visit my blog (most likely what you're reading now) and have JavaScript enabled, you should see a magnifying glass in the top right, next to the feed icon. Clicking it should open up a search box that lets you perform a very rudimentary full-text search of all of…

Advent of Code 2022, in Rust

There's a yearly programming contest called Advent of Code (AoC). If you haven't heard about it, I'd recommend reading betaveros's post explaining what makes it unique. This was my third attempt at AoC, previously trying it in 2019 (made it to day 5) and 2021 (day 6). This year I…

Current thoughts on Mastodon

The majority of posts on Mastodon right now are about how to get started, discussions about various features or making fun of the dumpster fire that is the birdsite. This is mostly unavoidable as new people sign up, but I've tried to keep using Mastodon as an actual social network…

Debian firmware GR vote

My #Debian firmware GR vote is 6437215. In order of preference: Amend the Social Contract to allow for non-free firmware in installers. Have a installer w/ non-free firmware next to the fully free one. None of the above Have only a non-free installer OR status quo, the installer w/ non-free…

Rocket 0.5-rc.2

The next #Rocket release candidate is out: all of my projects in ~40 minutes, best part of #Rust is that if it compiles, it'll just work!