Posts categorized under: Tech

Advent of Code 2022, in Rust

There's a yearly programming contest called Advent of Code (AoC). If you haven't heard about it, I'd recommend reading betaveros's post explaining what makes it unique. This was my third attempt at AoC, previously trying it in 2019 (made it to day 5) and 2021 (day 6). This year I…

Current thoughts on Mastodon

The majority of posts on Mastodon right now are about how to get started, discussions about various features or making fun of the dumpster fire that is the birdsite. This is mostly unavoidable as new people sign up, but I've tried to keep using Mastodon as an actual social network…

Learning Rust, week 5

I'm skipped writing a post for week 4 and then didn't do any Rust related things for a week, so this is my week 5 update. The main (published) Rust I've written since my last post is a port of my statistics Toolforge tool. It reads through compressed plaintext…

Learning Rust, week 3

I'm a little behind with this update as it took me a little longer to prepare and launch my project: diff-libraries. I'm planning to write a more detailed post on that later, but it's my most involved Rust project so far. The webserver is powered by Rocket and it uses…

Learning Rust, week 2

I think I'm starting to understand why people like Rust so much. The tooling, especially rustup and cargo are pretty fantastic. The fact that rustfmt (code auto-formatter), clippy (linter) and a test runner are all integrated through cargo is super convenient. I feel like Python used to have that with…

Learning Rust, week 1

I'm trying to learn Rust this summer. I've found I learn languages the best by just trying to do something in it, figuring out the building blocks as I go along. So I plan on writing/porting different projects to Rust. This week I set up rustup, installed the stable and…