Posts categorized under: Tech - Day 2

Day 2! I hopped around quite a bit, so I'll just talk about the talks I particuarly enjoyed. First was a talk about site reliability at Pinterest. The main things I thought that were interesting was how they have also created their own deployment tool, and that they've made it … - Day 1

Today was day 1 of the conference in Geelong. The first two days are organized as "MiniConfs", where rooms have a general topic and presentations are scheduled by the MiniConf organizer instead of the LCA programme committee. In the morning I primarily attended the documentation/technical writing …

Upgrading to Fedora 23

I upgraded to Fedora 23 last night, and it went pretty smoothly.

I started with sudo dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=23, which started with a fun dowload of 2.5G of package upgrades (still better than Xcode!). I ran into the documented upgrade issue with the vagrant package, but the …

Lets Encrypt first impressions

Today I spent two hours setting up an SSL certificate with Lets Encrypt for the website.

It. Was. Easy. It was relatively straightforward, and I felt comfortable with all the steps I went through.

First, I cloned the git repository, and ran the letsencrypt-auto script, which installed the …

Self-hosted git

As part of using only free software, I also started thinking about the various non-free services I am dependent upon. One of those I had already started working on replacing was Github. Github is currently the canonical source location for a lot of my various projects, including some that aren't …