Posts tagged: wikipedia

Kiwix in Debian, 2022 update

Previous updates: 2018, 2021 Kiwix is an offline content reader, best known for distributing copies of Wikipedia. I have been maintaining it in Debian since 2017. This year most of the work has been keeping all the packages up to date in anticipation of next year's Debian 12 Bookworm release,…

Building fast Wikipedia bots in Rust

Lately I've been working on mwbot-rs, a framework to write bots and tools in Rust. My main focus is for things related to Wikipedia, but all the code is generic enough to be used by any modern (1.35+) MediaWiki installation. One specific feature of mwbot-rs I want to highlight today…

The importance of Artemis Fowl

Artemis Fowl, sitting right of center on my "favorite books" shelf. Nearly two decades later, the Artemis Fowl movie is finally happening. It's hard for me to overstate how important Artemis Fowl has been to me. One of my friends asked me if I saw the trailer today and I…

Improving quality and maintenance of election result boxes on Wikipedia

I've spent a decent amount of time reading Wikipedia articles about Senate, House, and state races this week. And...there were inconsistencies. Specifically in the election box result templates: That's what it looked like before I updated the article to use my template instead. There are a few different issues. First,…