Originally posted on mastodon.technology.
Got some henna for my cousin's wedding, drawn by my sister. It's tradition to hide the initials of your SO in it, so she added a "W" (you can guess where the puzzle piece comes from) and a Debian swirl. :)

Originally posted on mastodon.technology.
Sunrise somewhere over Iowa

Originally posted on mastodon.technology.
My achievement for the week was getting a single word right during the Scripps National Spelling Bee finals: regolith.
Originally posted on mastodon.technology.
Visited probably the coldest place in the Bay Area today (~60F with a good breeze). The only better part was hanging out with wiki-friends!

Originally posted on mastodon.technology.
Turns out the bus stop in Weehawken we were waiting at was the site of the Hamilton/Burr duel!

Originally posted on mastodon.technology.
View from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Boyd_Thacher_State_Park - it's not really visible in the photo, but you could see Albany in the distance.