Updates about my Lifeatom feed

My letter to the Boy Scouts of America

The following is a letter I just mailed to the Boy Scouts of America, following President Donald Trump's speech at the National Jamboree. I implore my fellow scouts to also contact the BSA to express their feelings. 25 July 2017 Boy Scouts of America PO Box 152079 Irving, TX 75015-2079…

Future plans

I've decided to go back to school starting in April for the spring quarter. I'm tenatively going to be studying journalism, because that seems interesting to me right now. We'll see how long that lasts. ;-) At the same time I'm also going to be switching to a part-time contract…

Life happens

It's been a while since I last blogged, so here's a quick summary of what's been going on (totally out of order): Joined the Let's Encrypt beta, all of legoktm.com is now HTTPS-only. Same with the Wikimedia DC farm. Uncyclomedia is currently transitioning. Reached level 8 as an Ingress agent.…