Updates about my Lifeatom feed

RIP Alex Trebek

A lot of my favorite Trebek moments in this remembrance, especially the Talkin' Football segment.https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/remembering-alex-trebek-the-man-with-all-the-answers/

Brazil (1985)

We just watched Brazil for the first time, I'm still in shock from how trippy and freaky that was.8/10, would recommend.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brazil_(1985_film)

ACLU 100

Self-care tip from #ACLU100 in NYC: "Every night, go online to Facebook, and unfriend people on their birthday. Very therapeutic."

Judging an elementary school science fair

Today I had the privilege of judging an elementary school science fair - the same school I attended so many years ago. I'm really excited to see kids learning about and applying the scientific method in addition to basic engineering principles at such a young age.


Turns out one of my favorite websites, http://tay.today/ has been suspended by the hoster, probably because the bill hasn't been paid...I've managed to recover all of the data thanks to archive.org <3 but now I need to find a cool domain name to host it on :/