Wikipedia iOS app opt-in for usage reports
New Wikipedia iOS app update asks you to opt-in to sending usage reports. That's awesome. When is it coming to the Android app? :-)
New Wikipedia iOS app update asks you to opt-in to sending usage reports. That's awesome. When is it coming to the Android app? :-)
MediaWiki now uses PHP [arrays, like, this]: Welcome to the future! ...or 2014 ;-)
My career exists entirely because I could read, share, and improve free software. Thanks for everything. #ilovefs
WMF Office set up an intentionally slow network to test what the internet is like in worse places. Literal #firstworldproblems
I've reached level 9 as an Ingress agent.
One more AP...
Getting ready for LCA2016 :D
Had to walk up a mile long trail to create my first 1k MU field :D
New sticker ^.^ I'm ready for Wikipedia 15 now!
My first Debian package!
Addshore building a pyramid with Lego candy:
You can never have too many Wikidata stickers Lydia Pintscher (@nightrose)
New scap laptop sticker thanks to bd808 ^.^
Thanks Sigma for the new shark sticker ^.^
I've reached level 8 as an Ingress agent