Posts tagged: toolforge

Speeding up Toolforge tools with Redis

Over the past two weeks I significantly sped up two of my Toolforge tools by using Redis, a key-value database. The two tools, checker and shorturls were slow for different reasons, but now respond instantaneously. Note that I didn't do any proper benchmarking, it's just noticably faster. If you're not…

Tried Rust on Toolforge

Tried to get a #rustlang tool deployed on #Toolforge today and failed. Wrote a quick summary on how to move forward: from experienced rust Toolforgers like @magnusmanske and @danielhglus would be appreciated.

Last Jenkins run dashboard

New dashboard shows the last jenkins run for a MediaWiki extension/skin: mostly made this to be able to find extensions that fail PHP 7.0 tests while it's still non-voting, and to find gaps in coverage (there's one Wikimedia-deployed extension with no voting tests :().One day I need to unify…

Requiring HTTPS for my Toolforge tools

My Toolforge (formerly "Tool Labs") tools will now start requiring HTTPS, and redirecting any HTTP traffic. It's a little bit of common code for each tool, so I put it in a shared "toolforge" library. from flask import Flask import toolforge app = Flask(__name__) app.before_request(toolforge.redirect_to_https) And that's it! Your tool…