New MusicBrainz laptop stickers
Originally posted on Twitter. Thank you Robert Kaye (@MayhemBCN) and MusicBrainz for the new laptop stickers:D
Originally posted on Twitter. Thank you Robert Kaye (@MayhemBCN) and MusicBrainz for the new laptop stickers:D
Wow, two blog posts in one day. Okay, I was close and just didn't finish in time. As the title alludes, I became an FSF member today yesterday. Aaand then I proceeded to buy their Super Sticker Mega Multi Pack. ^.^ I thought this would also be a good time…
This past weekend I volunteered at the 2015 CalGames tournament, which played the 2015 FIRST Robotics Competition game, Recycle Rush. This year CalGames had a few new things going on, and one of them was using a new field management system (FMS), called Cheesy Arena. Cheesy Arena was written by…
This year for Google Summer of Code, I co-mentored with YuviPanda a project to build a cross-wiki watchlist that uses OAuth and runs on Tool Labs. Sitic did a fantastic job on the project, and the final result, crosswatch, is amazing. I use it quite frequently, and aside from the…