Posts tagged: notifications

The future of Echo

Echo (aka "Notifications") is the MediaWiki extension that provides a notifications framework for other features to use, as well as some "core" notification types. It's had a tumultuous history ever since it was deployed to Wikimedia wikis in 2013. To figure out where Echo should go, I think we have…

Why I am still here.

This is a follow up to my probably depressing blog post on Friday, entitled "Why am I still here?" I think I figured out the answer, it's a lot of different things! Because we give a damn. Because if I left, I'd still spend my days lurking on IRC, fixing…

Cross-wiki notifications on test wikis

As was teased in this week's tech news, cross-wiki notifications are now available as a BetaFeature on testwiki and test2wiki. Simply go to your preferences, enable "Enhanced notifications", trigger a notification for yourself on (e.g. log out and edit your talk page), and open up your notifications flyout! The…

Life happens

It's been a while since I last blogged, so here's a quick summary of what's been going on (totally out of order): Joined the Let's Encrypt beta, all of is now HTTPS-only. Same with the Wikimedia DC farm. Uncyclomedia is currently transitioning. Reached level 8 as an Ingress agent.…

GSoC 2015

This year for Google Summer of Code, I co-mentored with YuviPanda a project to build a cross-wiki watchlist that uses OAuth and runs on Tool Labs. Sitic did a fantastic job on the project, and the final result, crosswatch, is amazing. I use it quite frequently, and aside from the…