Apartment hunting in NYC
apartment hunting in NYC is like:mental health: broken, destroyed, burned outphysical health: over the past 3 days I've walked 10, 10 and 7 miles respectively. An entire marathon!!
apartment hunting in NYC is like:mental health: broken, destroyed, burned outphysical health: over the past 3 days I've walked 10, 10 and 7 miles respectively. An entire marathon!!
"San José Spotlight is suing San Jose, Mayor Liccardo over private email use"Really great to see this, it's absurd how flagrantly SJ and Liccardo have been continuing to skirt California's public records law after losing in the CA Supreme Court a few years ago.https://sanjosespotlight.com/san-jose-spotlight-is-suing-san-jose-mayor-liccardo-over-private-email-use/
Uncyclopedia continues to parody Wikipedia perfectly, now running its own Community Wishlist Survey: https://en.uncyclopedia.co/wiki/Forum:Community_Wishlist_Survey_2022
Run the Burbs is the real spin-off we needed from Kim's Convenience. Fantastic show so far, highly recommend it.https://www.thestar.com/entertainment/television/2022/01/03/canada-were-your-new-family-andrew-phungs-run-the-burbs-picks-up-the-baton-from-kims-convenience.html
Got my first two SecureDrop patches merged, wheeeehttps://github.com/freedomofpress/securedrop/commits?author=legoktm
Today I created a demo with fully client-side PGP encryption using Rust/WebAssembly. Felt much more straightfoward than all the times I mucked around with shelling out to gpg.Source/demo: https://github.com/legoktm/sequoia-wasm