Posts tagged: microblog

2018-08 MediaWiki security update

The #MediaWiki security update has been pushed to #Debian stable after a few hiccups (thanks Moritz!): also pushed an update for Xenial users to my PPA: packages are for 1.27, which is the older LTS version. 1.31 hit unstable today, so I'll be providing backports for it shortly!…

Trying pytest

I finally had the opportunity to give pytest a real try (I'm porting tests from ruby to Python), and it's amazing! Waaay better than unittest/nosetests. I especially liked the parametrization feature, which I think PHPUnit could probably benefit from. Specifically, I like how I could specify two parameters separately, and…

Value in using Linux packages

What's the value in using Linux packages for your software vs installing from git? explained it really well. The explanation I tell people for MediaWiki is that if you want a wiki that just works and would like to forget about administering it - use the Debian package. If…