I voted, 2020
"Vote like your rights depend on it" #IVoted
"Vote like your rights depend on it" #IVoted
Happy cinnamon roll day!
I would've watched Gilmore Girls a lot sooner if someone had told me it was a TV show about journalism.
The latest #MediaWiki security release is now available in #Debian https://lists.debian.org/debian-security-announce/2020/msg00174.htmlI also updated the packages in my PPA as well.The newest stable release, 1.35, should be ready for unstable later today or tomorrow.
"The fact that the law of the land hinges on the continued health of an 82 or 84 year old judge is bizarre." -- Andrew Yang, 2018https://twitter.com/andrewyang/status/1013505243731169280?lang=en
New #Rust project: https://gitlab.com/legoktm/mwapi_responses POC to provide strict typing for dynamic #MediaWiki API queries.Discussion at https://github.com/magnusmanske/mediawiki_rust/issues/19