Posts tagged: life

One year in New York City

The first time I heard the song Welcome to New York, my reaction was something along the lines of "Eh, decent song, except she's wrong. West Coast Best Coast." I would like to formally apologize to Taylor Swift for doubting her and state for the record that she was absolutely…

2022 goals, revisited

I set some goals for myself at the beginning of the year. Here's how it went: Move out of my parents' house.✔️ I live in New York City now. This was definitely my biggest goal and accomplishment of the year. Contribute something meaningful to SecureDrop.✔️ I think so. I need…

2022 goals

New year, new job, new goals. In no specific order: Move out of my parents' house. Contribute something meaningful to SecureDrop. Contribute something meaningful to MediaWiki. Not get COVID. Continue contributing to Mailman. Continue working on mwbot-rs, while having fun and learning more Rust. Get more stickers (lack of in-person…

Comments on "User freedom: A love story"

SFScon18 - Molly de Blanc - User freedom: A love story. This is one of the most relatable software freedom talks I've watched recently. As a college student trying to make friends, let alone find romantic partners, using non-free software is incredibly difficult to avoid. Aside from online dating, which…

Life happens

It's been a while since I last blogged, so here's a quick summary of what's been going on (totally out of order): Joined the Let's Encrypt beta, all of is now HTTPS-only. Same with the Wikimedia DC farm. Uncyclomedia is currently transitioning. Reached level 8 as an Ingress agent.…