LibUp credits
Long overdue, but I finally added a "thank you" page for all the people who helped out with the development of LibUp over the years:
Long overdue, but I finally added a "thank you" page for all the people who helped out with the development of LibUp over the years:
For the past 5ish years, I've been working on a project called libraryupgrader (LibUp for short) to semi-automatically upgrade dependency libraries in the 900+ MediaWiki extension and related git repositories. For those that use GitHub, it's similar to the new dependabot tool, except LibUp is free software. One cool feature…
I did the first test run of LibUp 2.0 (formerly libraryupgrader) last night across MediaWiki extension repositories, only hit one show-stopper bug (oops).Here's an example: I think the coolest new feature is the hashtags, which allow you to filter patches for exactly which libraries were upgraded, which CVEs were…