Posts tagged: jeopardy

Jeopardy! drama

Mike Richards was a bad selection for host even before The Ringer story. Everyone should buy Claire McNear's Jeopardy! book, it's fantastic and she's a great journalist. Disappointed over how toxic various J! online communities have gotten over this. Above all else, the stars of the show are CONTESTANTS, not…

RIP Alex Trebek

A lot of my favorite Trebek moments in this remembrance, especially the Talkin' Football segment.

Ode to Jeopardy!

I originally wrote this for the Spartan Daily in April 2020 to be included as a comparison of different types of loading music. It wasn't ever published, but given the new Jeopardy! season and that I just finished reading Alex Trebek's memoir, I dug it out of the archives. Answer:…