Press freedom supply chain

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Freedom of the Press requires more than just protecting journalists, the entire supply chain needs to be safeguarded. On Tuesday night the Spartan Daily's printer lost power, and we were looking at missing our first issue in 85 years.

Thankfully they got it back in time, and we were able to put out an issue. But it was a wake up call and reminder that press freedom is more than about just journalists.

Responding to a critical apt vulnerability

Originally posted on

Do you ever have those days where you have a plan of what you want to do but it gets thrown away because of a critical apt vulnerability and then you have to remember all the Debian systems you're responsible for, plus all the docker images that you use?

Anyways, here's the plate of nachos I made myself to cheer up. plate of nachos

Eliminating PHP polyfills

The Symfony project has recently created a set of pure-PHP polyfills for both PHP extensions and newer language features. It allows developers to add requirements upon those functions or language additions without increasing the system requirements upon end users. For the most part, I think this is a good thing, and valuable to have. We've done similar things inside MediaWiki as well for CDB support, Memcached, and internationalization, just to name a few.

But the downside is that on platforms where it is possible to install the missing PHP extensions or upgrade PHP itself, we're shipping empty code. MediaWiki requires both the ctypes and mbstring PHP extensions, and our servers have those, so there's no use in deploying polyfills for those, because they'll never be used. In September, Reedy and I replaced the polyfills with "unpolyfills" that simply provide the correct package, so the polyfill is skipped by composer. That removed about 3,700 lines of code from what we're committing, reviewing, and deploying - a big win.

Last month I came across the same problem in Debian: #911832. The php-symfony-polyfill package was failing tests on the new PHP 7.3, and up for removal from the next stable release (Buster). On its own, the package isn't too important, but was a dependency of other important packages. In Debian, the polyfills are even more useless, since instead of depending upon e.g. php-symfony-polyfill-mbstring, the package could simply depend upon the native PHP extension, php-mbstring. In fact, there was already a system designed to implement those kinds of overrides. After looking at the dependencies, I uploaded a fixed version of php-webmozart-assert, filed bugs for two other packages. and provided patches for symfony. I also made a patch to the default overrides in pkg-php-tools, so that any future package that depends upon a symfony polyfill should now automatically depend upon the native PHP extension if necessary.

Ideally composer would support alternative requirements like ext-mbstring | php-symfony-polyfill-mbstring, but that's been declined by their developers. There's another issue that is somewhat related, but doesn't do much to reduce the installation of polyfills when unnecessary.