The Trustees of the California State University
on recommendation of the faculty of the
College of Humanities and the Arts
have conferred upon
Kunal Mehta
the degree of
Bachelor of Science
So this makes me a scientist now, right? I used to joke that I was putting in all this work for a piece of paper, but now I'm actually very proud of this piece of paper.
I want to thank all of my family, who really kept me going and supported me no matter what.
Thanks to my professors and teachers at De Anza and San Jose State for giving me the opportunity and platform to explore and grow my love for journalism. I'm proud to be an alum of La Voz, Update News and the Spartan Daily.
Of course, the real treasure was all the friends I made along the way. But seriously, I'm so glad I met all of you, and I will treasure our relationships.
Thanks to my colleagues at the Wikimedia Foundation and the Freedom of the Press Foundation for their furthering my professional development, assistance with networking, and just constant support. Also for indulging my sticker addiction.
To the IRC cabal: thanks for being the group of people I can turn to for help, no matter what time of day nor location. And for all the huggles.
I hope to celebrate in-person with you all ... soon.