Originally posted on mastodon.technology.
https://hynek.me/articles/semver-will-not-save-you/ matches up exactly with how I feel about versioning and semver.
Semver is great, but at the end of the day it's a best effort by maintainers and not perfect. It's also not applicable to literally everything and shouldn't be used as such.
Originally posted on mastodon.technology.
Having now spent like 3 days just driving around aimlessly to rack up mileage to get my car to pass a smog check, I would like to reiterate my strong support for efficient and convenient public transit.
Originally posted on mastodon.technology.
What more do you need besides boba and homemade enchiladas

Originally posted on mastodon.technology.
Long overdue, but I finally added a "thank you" page for all the people who helped out with the development of LibUp over the years: https://libraryupgrader2.wmcloud.org/credits
Originally posted on mastodon.technology.
We're starting a #Wikimedia #Rust developers user group! https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Rust_developers_user_group
My announcement to wikitech-l https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikitech-l/2021-February/094272.html has more details on our goals so far.
Originally posted on mastodon.technology.
I wrote for The Signpost this month, "The people who built Wikipedia, technically", filled with stories of Wikipedia's earliest days and how it grew into what it is today.
Featuring interviews with @brion, @eloquence and more!