Posts categorized under: FLP

Day 13: I'm on a boat

Part of a series on my journalism faculty-led program through Italy and Greece. Today was uh...boring? Our group was done with our work ahead of time, so we technically had "free time", except we didn't have anything to do/see, so we just got even more ahead on our work and…

Day 12: Photos, photos, photos

Part of a series on my journalism faculty-led program through Italy and Greece. Sunset from the Acropolis of Athens We had to go on a "photo safari" - two photos of ancient Athens, two of modern Athens, and one that was a hybrid. We went to the old Polytechnic university…

Day 11: Rain rain, go away

Part of a series on my journalism faculty-led program through Italy and Greece. But like really. It's not actually supposed have a high chance of raining in Athens...and yet it rained. We had a tourist day planned, visiting the islands of Hydra, Poros, and Aegina. Hydra was nice, it was…

Day 10: Meeting refugees and Athena

Part of a series on my journalism faculty-led program through Italy and Greece. Yes, I fell behind on blogging :/. We hit the ground running in Athens, and the first morning, went to interview refugees in Victoria Square. Since we only spoke English, we looked for people roughly our age,…

Day 9: Midpoint reflection

Part of a series on my journalism faculty-led program through Italy and Greece. OK, we're not exactly at the midpoint yet, but this is a better time than never to start a reflection. In total I think I've interviewed (in depth) with around 10 refugees/migrants, and about 5 people who…

Day 8: Ciao Italy!

Part of a series on my journalism faculty-led program through Italy and Greece. Today was effectively our last day in Italy. Tomorrow we're flying to Athens, and will spend the rest of our time in Greece. We went to see the Valley of the Temples, which, surprise surprise, is not…