"Skip Mobile Wikipedia" add-on available on Android (again)


In 2018 I announced the creation of my "Skip Mobile Wikipedia" Firefox add-on, which automatically redirects you to the desktop version of the site. At the time it worked on both standard desktop Firefox and in Firefox for Android, life was great.

Unfortunately at some point, Firefox stopped allowing arbitrary add-ons on Android and it was disabled. It was still usable in the "Nightly" edition, but that wasn't very user friendly.

Anyways, fast-forward to earlier this month, Firefox has re-enabled general add-on support, so "Skip Mobile Wikipedia" is installable and works again on Android. The source code is the same, I haven't had any need to update it since 2020.

I personally use the responsive Timeless skin, which I think provides a nicer viewing and editing experience from my phone. Happy browsing!