registration now open

By is now open for hosting free software projects, providing git hosting, issue trackers, and basic wiki functionality. It runs the free software Gogs: "a painless self-hosted Git service".

You're welcome to host any freely licensed projects on

I've been running for two years now, mainly using it to host personal projects and things a few friends asked for. I think others will find a friendly git hosting service useful. Nearly all of my major projects can be found on, whether they are the canonical repository, or just a mirror (automatically sychronizing about every 10 minutes).

In terms of privacy, you will need to confirm your email before being able to join the site. I collect minimal server logs, and only use IP address information for anti-abuse measures. Mail is handled by FastMail. You should be able to delete your data at any time. Backups are currently running weekly, but I can increase frequency if usage/demand increases.

If you're comfortable with your current git host, feel free to set up a mirror! Git is a great distributed protocol, and mirroring helps increase the right to fork.

If you have any questions, you can contact me on Mastodon, email, IRC, or the support tracker.