I joined the FSF today


Wow, two blog posts in one day. Okay, I was close and just didn't finish in time.

As the title alludes, I became an FSF member today yesterday. Aaand then I proceeded to buy their Super Sticker Mega Multi Pack. ^.^

I thought this would also be a good time to audit my usage of non-free software...at least what's installed on my computer:

  • Dropbox - mainly used to automatically back up photos from my phone to 3 different computers. I can probably replace it with Syncthing.
  • Google Hangouts - I had to install some plugin rpm for it to work. Since I need it for work, I don't really have an option here.
  • PHPStorm - I kept hoping that JetBrains would release an open source version like they did for PyCharm...but they haven't. Our MediaWiki open source license was also never renewed so I've been using the free EAPs, which I'm definitely not comfortable with. I tried out GNOME builder for a Go project, and didn't really like it. I might try out Atom at some point.

I also have my old MacBook, which at this point is mostly used for playing music or watching videos (all using free software!). I'm getting tired of Apple's updates and all the "OMG log into iCloud" nagging, so I'll probably replace it with some flavor of GNU/Linux at some point (see what I did there! ;)).